A sunny morning for a get together to talk and walk about our gardens.
Eight of us met at Number 8 , thanks to Amanda for the home made muffins.
It was good for us to meet some of the others in the street and to catch up with the competitions goals as we have been away over the last couple of months.
A good way to meet those new to the street too.
Its good to get together as we would like to start a neighbourhood watch group which would also link us into Civil Defence.
The best form of support in an emergency is your neighbours.
We talked in general about some of the things we as a street could do, a street garage sale in the New Year. This could perhaps add some funds to a common bank account which could help to fund some of our ideas.
Carolyn is looking at getting the street a mulcher which would be shared amongst us , month and month about.
Sharing our excess produce. At the moment there are Lemons aplenty.
It will be great to be able to swap or buy plants from each other too.
Personal family ideas are changing use of disposable nappies to cloth ones, biking to work , and using the local butcher for meat to cut down on the use of plastic packaging.
The men are keen on investigating wind power using Smartdrive motor and also trying to make some solar power panels.
The families present are keen to do water conservation : for some mulching for others water storage from rain collection.
Carolyn is investigating the way disposable nappies break down.
One family would like to start a veggie garden.
So then it was off to look at each others garden.
We have an interesting variety with large family gardens and gardens for couples.
Some already established and some that are wanting to be extended.
The exciting garden was the one with the possibility of helping to add a vegetable patch.
Maybe we can make this a street project!
Look out for our sign that will be erected outside Number 1. It will have an area where we can leave messages .
Hoping to have regular Sunday morning meetings once a month or as needed, hope some more will be able to join us over time.
Let me know if anyone wants some lemons or if you would like some lemon cordial. I could do with any suitable bottles.
Sue NO.1