Tuesday, 3 July 2012

Appliances on Standby - this'll let the cat amongst the pigeons

I read once that the clock on the microwave oven will consume more electricity over the life of the appliance than the power used to heat food. I'm not sure if this si true, but it's worth considering.

I found this article on The Register today and thought I'd share it. It's about using Standby on appliances, and a study that was done in the UK.

The bottom of the last page as a summary is worth reading in particular.

Also, a big thankyou to the council for organising The Greenest Street competiton, and congratulations to all of those who joined in and competed, particularly the winners in Alexander Road. As we said at the prize-giving ceremony, we all feel like winners.



Sunday, 1 July 2012

Number 1 Grange park summary

The End of the Competition or is it?

We joined the Greenest Street Competition a little after the others as we had been away on holiday in the UK visiting family.

Family is important to us and all of our children except one lives  away from us. We have only lived in Kapiti for 3 years having moved from the Waikato.

The Competition has firstly helped us to meet others in the street and to feel that we now belong to this community.

It has been hard for us to meet people since moving here so the comaradrie  that this competition has supplied through shared meals, and get  togethers to learn new things has been a godsend to us.

The regular street meetings  have helped us to make friends in the street and we are finding that some of them now stop in for a chat or to collect extra  fruit and veggies we have.

Gardening has become more of a passion for us having met one particular family in our street who are passionate gardeners.  We also now try and listen to the councils green gardener and other council spots that can be heard on Beach FM.  The information has helped us to garden more greenly and economically run our home. We now mulch our garden with the help of the council grant for a street /community mulcher. We had fun learning how to mulch and fun mulching our own tree branches.This has stopped trailer loads of green waste going to landfill.

The highlight for me was the Sustainable Garden Show where we were able to meet up with other  Greenest Street Competitors.  Seeing what they had thought up and what they had on display was very informative. It has made us all give more thought to the environment we live in, and how we can minimise waste . It has made us more aware of how we use power and water and by the end of this year we hope to have our own rain water reticulation system in place.

We will go forward with what we have learnt and we will have on going connections with neighbours as we still have plans to improve our green-carbon footprint.