Sunday, 8 April 2012

After the show and Mulcher

SHOW:Thanks to all those who helped at the Sustainable show. It was great to meet some of the other streets and find out what they have been doing. Shows what can be done we we get together as a community.
Here is one of our recipes for clean green cleaner:
Dishwasher powder:
1 cup washing soda, 1 cup Baking soda,1/4 cup salt,1/4 cup citric acid. MIX.

During the week following our money came through from the council, so Carolyn organised buying our street mulcher, safety gear and getting the training organised.
Easter Friday about 18 people attended the first training..will leave the photos and blogg about this to you Carolyn and Robbie.
Easter Saturday the roar of the mulcher was heard in the street, first tree down and mulched with two neighbours getting together for this project. Yah Ken and Tony!

Tom and I have joined the Kapiti Time bank and encourage those in our street to join too.

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