Saturday, 17 December 2011

Vegetarian food

Sue mentioned she may try to cook a vegetarian meal from time to time. Good on her!

There are lot of myths around vegetarian food, for example getting enough iron or sufficient protein. I'm a very active athlete so it's important that I have a diet that supports that, and I've had to learn what that involves.

Jess too is a longtime vegetarian, and was vegetarian all through her pregnancy. So young Rylan has been a vegetarian all his life, and he is a very healthy, active, and alert young boy.

Once you get used to it, vegetarian cooking is easy-peasy, and relatively cheap.

It's claimed that if everyone in the world was vegetarian then we'd have enough food to feed the world, and we'd be much kinder to plant earth. It goes without saying that various animals are pleased too.

Diet is so much tied up with lifestyle, therefore it involves the whole family. I applaud anyone who is willing to make changes and give it a go.

We are happy to give suggestions or share recipes, or help in any other way.

Tony Number 6

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